
Strategic national stockpile
Strategic national stockpile

strategic national stockpile

The 12-Hour Push Packages have been configured to be immediately loaded onto either trucks or commercial cargo aircraft for the most rapid transportation.To respond to an ill-defined threat in the early hours of an event, HHS/ASPR is committed to delivering SNS' 12-Hour Push Packages anywhere in the United States or its territories within 12 hours of a federal decision to deploy.Commercial partnerships are in place for the storage, maintenance, and rapid transport of SNS assets.The SNS is a network of strategically located repositories located throughout the United States that houses a vast inventory of antibiotics, antitoxins, antiviral drugs, vaccines, medical supplies and materials, and other pharmaceuticals.Growth Factors/Cytokines for White Blood Cells.Chelating agents: Calcium and Zinc DTPA.What specific agents are in the stockpile that could be used for medical problems related specifically to radiological/nuclear events? Additional quantities of 12-Hour Push Package items.Managed inventories housed in the SNS or maintained by specific vendors or manufacturers.

strategic national stockpile

Airway equipment, such as ET tubes, stylettes, oropharyngeal airways, Ambu-Bags, and CO 2 detectors.IV fluids and fluid administration kits.Other medicines for emergency conditions.Broad-spectrum oral and intravenous antibiotics.12-Hour Push Packages (less than 5% of the SNS inventory).What kinds of things are in the stockpile? HHS/ASPR and other responding federal agencies will evaluate the request, the situation, and determine a prompt course of action to release those assets that are most appropriate.Whose decision is it to release assets from the SNS? To receive SNS assets, the affected state's governor's office would directly request the deployment of the SNS assets from HHS.National agencies e.g., FEMA, FBI in certain circumstances.

strategic national stockpile

  • State departments of health, usually in conjunction with the state governor.
  • A sentinel event, such as a single case of smallpox.
  • Analysis of data derived from syndromic or epidemiologic surveillance.
  • Actionable intelligence indicating an impending chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, or large explosive attack or overwhelming public health disaster.
  • Pre-event requests for SNS resources might include.
  • Examples might be emergencies resulting from a major earthquake, pandemic flu, a smallpox event, and terrorist events of chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, or explosive incidents.
  • The plan is to deliver critical medical resources to the site of a national emergency when local public health resources would likely be or have already been overwhelmed by the magnitude of the medical emergency.
  • HHS/ASPR is the primary agency responsible for maintenance and delivery of SNS assets, but state and local authorities must plan to receive, store, stage, distribute, and dispense the assets.
  • The SNS is a national repository of antibiotics, chemical antidotes, antitoxins, life-support medications, IV administration, airway maintenance supplies, and medical/surgical items.
  • The SNS is designed to supplement and resupply state and local public health agencies in the event of a national emergency anywhere and at any time within the United States or its territories.
  • In 2018, oversight of Strategic National Stockpile was transferred to HHS/ASPR from HHS/CDC.
  • With the signing of the BioShield legislation, the SNS program was returned to HHS for oversight and guidance.
  • On March 1, 2003, the NPS became the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) program managed jointly by DHS and HHS.
  • The program was originally called the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile (NPS) program, but it has since been extended to involve much more than just drugs.
  • In 1998, Congress appropriated funds for the CDC to acquire a pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpile to counter potential biological and chemical threats and widespread diseases that could affect large numbers of persons in the civilian population.
  • Are there specific agents available in the SNS for chemical emergencies?.
  • How fast can the SNS assets be deployed?.
  • What specific agents are in the stockpile that could be used for medical problems related specifically to radiological/nuclear events?.
  • What kinds of things are in the stockpile?.
  • Whose decision is it to release assets from the SNS?.
  • Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)
  • Countermeasures - Use of Myeloid Cytokines.
  • Template for Hospital Orders (Adults/Children).

  • Strategic national stockpile