
Key for pingplotter pro
Key for pingplotter pro

key for pingplotter pro

In PingPlotter Standard, timelines hold as much time as you need and can be opened for any hop. Timelines graph latency and packet loss history.The trace graph shows network performance at every hop between your device and a target website.Alerts notify you via email, sounds, tray icons, and more when network performance meets your criteria.Keep the data you want Auto-save preferences let you decide whether PingPlotter saves everything, saves after certain amount of time, or only saves when you say so. If you're gone when something happens, you can always scroll back to inspect the event. Long-term monitoring perpetually collects information.From there, you can add devices as targets to support your troubleshooting effort. Network discovery scans your local network and makes a list of the devices it finds.

key for pingplotter pro

Dynamic DNS improves long-term monitoring consistency by preventing PingPlotter from losing targets when IP addresses change.Choose between ICMP, UDP, and TCP packets.Route change alerts help investigate whether problems relate to specific paths through the network.Workspaces save list of targets and settings together to help you avoid doing the same work multiple times.The metric is useful when troubleshooting VoIP and other streaming services. Jitter is the amount of variation in latency/response time, in milliseconds.MOS is a VOiP metric that rates quality between 1 and 5.Named configurations make it easy to apply different packet settings to different targets.Remote agents ping from locations beyond your computer so you can analyze network performance over multiple locations.Summary graphs are available for organizing targets and assessing performance at a glance.

Key for pingplotter pro pro#

PingPlotter Pro tests hundreds of targets at once.

key for pingplotter pro

It's useful for sharing information and managing the program remotely.

  • The web interface broadcasts PingPlotter across the web.

  • Key for pingplotter pro